Create the assets for an awesome wallet

Select the right assets to make your brand look impressive on the customer's wallet.

To build the best wallet aligned with your brand, you must create the appropriate assets. Consider how they will be displayed on each platform or location. In the Design section of the side menu, you can select the wallet tab to preview your wallet and update its design.

The base requirements are that all assets must be in .png format and adhere to the defined aspect ratio.

Notification icon and Android Logo

This icon will be displayed as the icon for your wallet on push messages. It should have a 1:1 aspect ratio and a minimum size of 840 x 840 pixels.
This asset is used on iOS and Android notifications, as the logo on the front pass of the Android wallet pass, and, to a lesser extent, in the Jericommerce admin area.

Apple Logo

The logo is located on the top-front side of the Apple Wallet pass.
The image can be 3:1 or 1:1 as an aspect ratio and will share the space with the program title if added to the design field. Otherwise, the logo will be displayed alone at the top.
We recommend a resolution of at least 512x512 pixels for the 1:1 and 1536 x 512 pixels for the 3:1.

Banner Image

This is the largest image in the wallet. On iOS, it appears at the top, while on Android, it's positioned at the bottom.
This is the most challenging image because its dimensions may vary depending on the wallet. It's important to consider the safe areas to preserve the most crucial part of the photo content.
We recommend using a PNG image of 1032x336 pixels, 3:1 ratio, with a 10% safe area around the image, to ensure the most important part is visible on all wallets.

Initial Banner

In the advanced banner settings, just after the input for the banner image, you can change the default initial banners.
These banners appear on the default banner to help customers understand that they need to click on the three dots to see the wallet details. This overlay will be removed once the customer clicks on any backlink.
The ratio and resolution should match those of the banner image. We recommend that it includes transparency to display the main banner behind it.

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