To facilitate how your customers receive their wallet passes, you can activate the "Download Link Sync" feature in the Klaviyo block of the Jericommerce's "Integrations" section.
This feature is deactivated by default and requires manual activation. Keep in mind that activating this feature could compromise your loyalty system if there is any security lag on the Klaviyo side, as we automatically add one-time-use links to download the wallet pass as a custom property on Klaviyo profiles.
If someone gains access to Klaviyo and these links, they could download the wallet pass from a specific customer and impersonate them, accessing all the authenticated links on the back side of the wallet, such as rewards, profiles, or Shopify links.
To add an extra layer of security, you can create a download URL with query parameters, without this sync with klaviyo, follow our guide for that.
It is important to understand the security advice for shared download links synchronization with Klaviyo
1. Activate the "Download Link Sync" feature in Klaviyo's "Integrations" section. Go to Settings > Integrations > Klaviyo, active the toggle of "Download link Sync" and click on save button.
2. The Jericommerce platform will update the one-time download link as a custom property in the Klaviyo profile. This process may take a couple of hours to be reflected across all the profiles, depending on the number of profiles you have in Klaviyo.
3. Whenever a customer clicks on this link, it will be automatically updated to be usable again.
To use this property in your emails or SMS, you should retrieve it as follows:
{{ person|lookup:'jericommerce_download_wallet_pass_url' }}
If you can create two links, one for iOS and another for Google, you could add a query parameter after the variable from klaviyo.
{{ person|lookup:'jericommerce_download_wallet_pass_url' }}&platform=ios
{{ person|lookup:'jericommerce_download_wallet_pass_url' }}&platform=android